How to Get Rid of Butt Dimples: The Best Exercises for Women

First of all, we note that dimples on side effects of clomid in men the butt is a completely normal phenomenon due to the structure of the gluteal muscles. But because of the fashion for voluminous rounded priests, women are rather picky about the shape of the fifth point. Well, if there is demand, there will be supply. In this article, we have collected the most effective exercises to solve this problem. Using the presented recommendations and training methods, you can visually remove the depressions on the buttocks on the sides and make the butt more beautiful.
What Causes Dimples on Buttocks?
- Excess body fat in the lower body. The accumulation of subcutaneous fat in the so-called breeches zone (on the outer and inner sides of the thighs) visually makes the lower body heavier, reinforces the “dents” on the buttocks and forms a pear-like appearance.
- Low percentage of subcutaneous fat. But does this point contradict the first? No, in fact, the very structure of the gluteal muscles suggests the presence of such dimples, and with a low percentage of subcutaneous fat, this feature becomes much more noticeable.
- A small amount of muscle fibers in the buttocks. This is a genetically determined factor (hereditary). Insufficient gluteal muscle volume leads to the fact that the dimples on the bottom become more pronounced, which degrades the appearance of the fifth point.
The 5 Best Exercises to Get Rid of Butt Dimples
Let’s take a look at some effective basic and isolation exercises to pump up bulky buttocks and thereby help eliminate dimples on the butt.
1. Barbell Back Squat
In this exercise, it is important to get a feel for the work of buttocks. To do this, first of all, you need to choose the correct positioning of the legs. As a rule, short women (up to 165 cm / 5’40”) perform squats with feet at shoulder level or slightly narrower. Tall athletes are better suited to a wide leg position. But in any case, try both options and choose the one that works best for you.
- Place the barbell on top of the trapezoid and straighten.
- Spread your legs at a comfortable width.
- Turn the socks slightly outward.
- Squat to parallel hips with the floor.
- Climb up and squeeze the buttocks at the top.
- Breathing: Squat on inhalation, lift on exhale.
- Avoid leaning forward too much.
- Do the full range of the exercise.
- At the lowest point, pause for 1-2 seconds.
2. Leg Press Narrow Stance
The classic bench press technique involves an even load on the entire lower body. But we offer a variant of execution from Kate Usmanova, designed to shift the emphasis on the gluteal muscles. A feature of the exercise is the narrow stance of the legs.
- Sit on the machine with your back and lower back fully pressed into the seat.
- Place your feet slightly above the center of the platform and bring them together.
- Bring your hips and knees together.
- Squeeze the weight while pressing your knees into each other.
- Then gently lower the carriage.
- Breathing: press on exhalation, lowering – on inhalation.
Two key things to do:
- keep your heels on the platform;
- and also keep the lower back pressed against the back of the machine, otherwise the buttocks will not stretch well.
3. Cable Lateral Leg Raise
The lateral leg raise can be performed both in the gym and at home. For home use weighted shin cuffs or resistance bands. Here we will look at the with cable option.
- Stand with your right side on the machine and grasp the rack with your hand.
- Attach the lower pulley cable to the left ankle.
- Raise your left foot slightly.
- With a smooth swinging movement, take your leg to the side.
- Then, just as smoothly lower, but do not put your foot on the floor.
- Breathing: swing while exhaling, lowering – while inhaling.
Avoid the following errors when executing a lateral leg raise:
- Do not put a lot of weight right away, otherwise you will involuntarily help yourself with the body.
- Do not take your leg high. Raise the limb until the buttocks begin to strain.
4. Dumbbell Lateral Lunge
This exercise is suitable for both the gym and home workout. If you are exercising at home and do not have dumbbells, use two plastic water bottles in each hand (or any other weight).
- Place your feet shoulder-width apart and straighten.
- Hold the shells near the groin on straight arms or bent at the shoulders.
- Take a wide step to the side and lower into a lunge.
- Smoothly rise to the starting stance.
- Breathing: step with a lunge on the inhale, lift – on the exhale.
- Lean forward slightly, but avoid rounding your back.
5. Hip Abduction Machine
This exercise is designed to work out the gluteal muscles. There are several options for implementation. Let us examine the technique in which the load falls precisely on the outer sides of the priests.
- Sit on the machine, press your back and lower back firmly against the seat.
- Place the movable carriages near the knees on the outside.
- Squeezing the buttocks, gently spread your hips.
- Bring your knees together smoothly.
- Breathing: dilution on exhalation, mixing on inhalation.
Pay attention to the following subtleties of dilutions:
- When doing, try to relax your legs as much as possible to work exclusively buttocks.
- When bringing your hips together, do not close your knees all the way. This will keep the tension in the buttocks for the duration of the set.
Butt Workout Recommendations
To remove dimples on the butt, adhere to the following training recommendations:
- Focus on basic volume-building exercises. Work the relief of buttocks with insulating elements at the end of the lesson.
- Don’t forget about recovery. Women need to rest between workouts on the bottom for at least 1-2 days.
- Perform basic exercises in 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions, isolating exercises in 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions.
- Don’t chase the scales. In gluteal muscle training, the most important thing is to feel the tension of the target muscles.
- Change your training plan every 8-10 weeks so that the buttocks don’t have time to get used to the stress.
- If you are overweight, do moderate cardio sessions (cycling, outdoor games, running, walking) on weekends.
And, of course, don’t forget about healthy eating. Avoiding sugary and starchy foods will help you gradually reduce body fat. And natural meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, herbs, cereals, vegetable oils will help to increase the volume of gluteal muscles.